This thread allows you to post your gamertag, or contact other gamers if you want to form a team.
Please post the following information about yourself:
1) Your Gamertag
2) The system you play on
3) Games you like to play (Black Ops, MW2, WaW, COD4, Homefront, Halo, etc...)
- Optional -
4) Your K/D Ratio
5) Gametypes you prefer to play (TDM, Domination, CTF, Search, etc...)
5) Your Time Zone/Location
Please post the following information about yourself:
1) Your Gamertag
2) The system you play on
3) Games you like to play (Black Ops, MW2, WaW, COD4, Homefront, Halo, etc...)
- Optional -
4) Your K/D Ratio
5) Gametypes you prefer to play (TDM, Domination, CTF, Search, etc...)
5) Your Time Zone/Location